The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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For services other than routine repairs and maintenance, an account is required.
*Required Fields
Defaults Name, Phone, Email, Department and Account
Enter the Department# or select Department Name from the drop down list.
Entities without a UNC Dept#, please enter 0003 in Department Number field.
or Name
AB Business Office Communicat (221050)
AB Business Office Finance (221030)
AB Business Office HR (221020)
AB Business Office IT (221040)
Acad Sup Prog Student-Athletes (521000)
Academic Advising (302100)
Academic Affairs (102000)
Academic Commty Engagmnt (520100)
Academic Finance Office (212000)
ACC Anesthesia (413607)
Accounting Services (213420)
Accts Payable and Vendor Svcs (213620)
Ackland Art Museum (520500)
Active Living By Design (468521)
Admissions (541000)
Aerospace Studies (315100)
Affiliated H Bill-Chatham Chld (416005)
Affiliated H Bill-ChathamSrgGI (416006)
African Afrl-Amer and Diaspora (315200)
African Studies Center (313100)
Aging and Health - Center (428401)
AHEC (400101)
AHEC - Area L (400501)
AHEC - Charlotte (401001)
AHEC - Duke-Southern Regional (401501)
AHEC - Eastern (402001)
AHEC - Greensboro (402501)
AHEC - MEDAIR (400201)
AHEC - Mountain (403001)
AHEC - Northwest (403501)
AHEC - Residency (404701)
AHEC - Southeast (404001)
AHEC - Unallocated (404601)
AHEC - Wake (404501)
AHEC Support-Nursing (440199)
AHEC Support-Public Health (468599)
AHEC-Hlth Sciences Library (552599)
AHEC-School of Social Work (380099)
Alcohol Studies Center (428801)
Alumni Assoc Office (200800)
American Indian Center (520700)
American Studies (311100)
Anesth-Community Division (413622)
Anesth-CRNA (413614)
Anesth-Pediatric Sedation (413609)
Anesth-PreCare (413603)
Anesthesia-Ancillary (413605)
Anesthesia-GI (413621)
Anesthesia-Off Site (413623)
Anesthesiology (413601)
Anesthesiology - Research (413624)
Anesthesiology Education (413626)
Anesthesiology-Faculty Phy (410636)
Anthropology (315300)
Applied Physical Sciences (318100)
Archaeology (315400)
Art - Art History (310100)
Arts and Humanities Institute (311200)
Arts and Sci Information Svcs (301000)
Arts and Sciences Deans Office (300100)
Arts and Sciences Foundation (300101)
AS AC Central Account (224510)
AS AF Daily Tar Heel (229002)
AS AF EPA (229004)
AS AF Morehead-Cain (229003)
AS AF Other (229005)
AS AF UNC Press (229001)
AS Carolina Managed Print Svcs (224210)
AS CM Campus Mail Ext (224810)
AS CM Campus Mail Int (224820)
AS CM Campus Mail Svcs (224800)
AS Copier Services (224200)
AS CS Laser Printer Service (224220)
AS FS Carolina Dining (224720)
AS FS CSU-AOB Snack (224760)
AS FS CSU-Atrium Snack (224770)
AS FS CSU-Bell Tower Snack (224792)
AS FS CSU-Blue Ram Snack (224780)
AS FS CSU-Dental Sch Snack (224791)
AS FS CSU-Law Bar Snack (224790)
AS FS CSU-Snack Bar Admin (224750)
AS FS Food Service Student Fee (224730)
AS FS Food Sevice Vending (224740)
AS FS Operations (224710)
AS GA Billing General (224910)
AS GA Central Account (224900)
AS Laundry Services (224300)
AS LS Laundry Department (224320)
AS LS Laundry Student Coin Op (224310)
AS OC Academic Affairs (224410)
AS OC Banking Services (224450)
AS OC CBORD Maintenance (224460)
AS OC Health Affairs (224420)
AS OC Office Operation (224440)
AS OC Revenue (224430)
AS PO Central Account (224610)
AS Print Shop (224110)
AS Print Stop (224950)
AS Student Stores Admin (224951)
AS UNC One Card (224400)
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies (315500)
Asian American Center (526500)
ASOD Academic Affairs (430200)
ASOD Academic Affairs Grad (430210)
ASOD Biomedical Sciences (437600)
ASOD Clinical Operations (431500)
ASOD Continuing Education (431100)
ASOD Craniofacial Center (434300)
ASOD Craniofacial Surgical Car (434000)
ASOD Dean's Office (430100)
ASOD Dental Faculty Practice (438000)
ASOD Dental Foundation (439000)
ASOD Dental Hygiene (436550)
ASOD Dental Public Health (435200)
ASOD Diagnostic Sciences (433500)
ASOD Endodontics (436510)
ASOD Finance (430110)
ASOD Generalists (436560)
ASOD Geriatrics Special Care (434400)
ASOD HR (430120)
ASOD Information Technology (430300)
ASOD Operative Dentistry (436520)
ASOD Oral Maxillofacial Surg (434200)
ASOD Oral Medicine (434100)
ASOD Oral Microbiology (433550)
ASOD Oral Pain (433530)
ASOD Oral Pathology (433510)
ASOD Oral Radiology (433520)
ASOD Oral Sleep (433540)
ASOD Orthodontics (434500)
ASOD Patient Accounts (431510)
ASOD Pediatric Dentistry (435100)
ASOD Pediatric Public Health (435000)
ASOD Perio Endo DH (436500)
ASOD Periodontology (436530)
ASOD Prosthodontics (436540)
ASOD Research Administration (437500)
ASOD Restorative Sciences (436100)
ASOD Support Services (430400)
Assoc Entities and Invest Actg (213450)
Ath 216 Finley Facility (271217)
Ath Academic Support Program (272100)
Ath Administration (270100)
Ath Anderson Softball Stadium (271212)
Ath Athletic Director (270200)
Ath Baseball Office (275000)
Ath Basketball museum (273200)
Ath Boshamer Stadium (271202)
Ath Business Office (271000)
Ath Carmichael Arena (271215)
Ath Carolina Kids Club (270600)
Ath Cheerleaders (272600)
Ath Colonade Group (272700)
Ath Communications (272200)
Ath Compliance (274700)
Ath Concessions (273300)
Ath Creative Services (270405)
Ath Data Analytics (272305)
Ath Department Endow Income (270900)
Ath Department Specials (270800)
Ath Dept Game/Event (279300)
Ath Dir of Tennis Facilities (275300)
Ath Drug Testing (273600)
Ath Eddie Smith Field House (271211)
Ath Educational Fdn Inc (274400)
Ath Educational Foundation (273000)
Ath Equipment Office (271300)
Ath Ernie Williamson AthltcCtr (272900)
Ath Event Management (271600)
Ath Executive Cup (279600)
Ath Fencing (275900)
Ath Field Hockey (276800)
Ath Finley Field Renovations (271275)
Ath Finley Fields (271205)
Ath Finley Golf Course (271100)
Ath Finley Golf Course ProShop (270300)
Ath Football Coaches Clinic (273900)
Ath Football Office (273500)
Ath Football Video (273800)
Ath General Receipts (279900)
Ath GOHEELS Productions (270400)
Ath Golf Team Facility (271214)
Ath Gymnastics (277000)
Ath Indoor Practice Facility (271204)
Ath IT Support (270500)
Ath Karen Shelton Stadium (271210)
Ath Kenan Football Center (273400)
Ath Kenan Stadium (271207)
Ath Kenan Stadium Renovations (271277)
Ath Koury Natatorium (272800)
Ath Leadership Academy (271700)
Ath Loudermilk Center (271213)
Ath McCaskill Soccer Center (271209)
Ath Media and Comm Center (271220)
Ath Memorabilia Room (271800)
Ath Men's Basketball (274000)
Ath Mens Golf (275400)
Ath Mens Lacrosse (275600)
Ath Mens Soccer (275700)
Ath Mens Tennis (275200)
Ath Navy Field (271203)
Ath Nike Cup (279100)
Ath Olympic Sp Admin (279000)
Ath Olympic Sport Administratn (274500)
Ath Olympic Sports Post-Season (274600)
Ath Olympic Sports Promotions (270700)
Ath Olympic Strength (272401)
Ath Other Facilities (271219)
Ath Other Facility Renovations (271279)
Ath Outdoor Facility Oper (271200)
Ath Rowing (276500)
Ath Scoreboard Maintenance (271218)
Ath Smith Center (273100)
Ath Smith Center Events (279400)
Ath Soccer/Lacrosse Stadium (271208)
Ath Softball (277100)
Ath Sports Marketing (272300)
Ath Sports Medicine (273700)
Ath Strength and Conditioning (272400)
Ath Student Services (272500)
Ath Support Services (270108)
Ath Swimming (275500)
Ath Tennis Facility (271206)
Ath Ticket Office (271400)
Ath Ticket Office Transactions (271500)
Ath Track-Cross Country (275100)
Ath Transportation (271230)
Ath Turf and Grounds (271216)
Ath Volleyball (277200)
Ath Womens Basketball (276600)
Ath Womens Golf (277500)
Ath Womens Lacrosse (277400)
Ath Womens Soccer (277300)
Ath Womens Tennis (276700)
Ath Wrestling (275800)
Athletics Parking (271605)
AVC Budget & Data Analysis (213460)
AVC CS - RM (230110)
AVC Finance (213010)
AVC Real Estate Development (211000)
BE-Microelectronics Rsrch Prog (424602)
BeAM@CAROLINA (318102)
Biochemistry and Biophysics (423001)
Biological and Genome Sciences (428201)
Biology (318200)
Biomedical Engineering (424601)
Biomedical Engineering-UG (319300)
Biomedical Res Imaging Ctr (426001)
Biostatistics (462001)
Biostatistics - CSCC (462002)
Biostatistics - CSRL (462003)
Biostatistics - OLD (462000)
Board of Governors (104700)
Botanical Garden Fdn (525002)
Budget Office (213440)
Budget Planning and Analysis (216000)
Campus Recreation (318601)
Capital Plan and Project Fin (216500)
Carolina Asia Center (313200)
Carolina Center for Public Svc (521100)
Carolina Counts (200200)
Carolina for Kibera (506508)
Carolina Higher Ed Opp Pgms (525200)
Carolina Inn Administr Ctrl (211900)
Carolina Institute for DD (429401)
Carolina Latinx Center (526000)
Carolina Population Center (631100)
Carolina Public Humanities (311700)
Carolina Seminars (521400)
Carolina Womens Center (521500)
CAS Accounting Shared Services (300102)
CAS Facilities Shared Services (300104)
CAS HR Shared Services (300103)
Cash Management (213330)
CCPS - APPLES (521102)
Cell Biology and Physiology (422001)
Center for Faculty Excellence (521300)
Center for Galapagos Studies (635300)
Center for Media Law - Policy (363550)
Center for Student Success (302400)
Central Receiving (213663)
CF-Knowles Group (426403)
CH Analytical and Nanofab Lab (318302)
CH Analytical and Nanofab-OLD (318101)
Chancellor Science Schol-OLD (319400)
Chancellor's Science Scholars (200150)
Chancellors Science Scholars (302204)
Chatham Ed (411621)
Chemistry (318300)
Chemistry Cores (318301)
CHEOP Trio Programs Offices (525202)
Chief of Staff (104000)
Chief Operating Officer (105000)
Child Medical Evaluation Prog (412004)
CHOSR Federal (999997)
CHOSR Other (999999)
CHOSR State (999998)
City and Regional Planning (315600)
Civic Life and Leadership (312500)
Classics (311300)
Clinical Res Support and Oper (621250)
Clinical Research Compliance (621200)
Comm Based Pract-HIGHGATE PEDS (418010)
Comm Based Pract-SANFORD Spcl (418006)
Communication (311400)
Communications (104400)
Community Capital (316601)
Comparative Medicine (621500)
Computer Science (318400)
Conflict Interest Program- Old (230200)
Connect Carolina (617000)
Cont Improve - Staff Develop (214200)
Continuous Improve - BI (214000)
Controller and Ent Fin Acctg (213400)
Convergent Science (319500)
Critical Care Anesthesia (413606)
Ctr for Developmental Science (631400)
Ctr Health Prom and Dis Prev (633200)
Debt Management (213310)
Dental Ecology (430500)
Department of Health Sciences (405501)
Derm-Inpatient Consult Service (412608)
Dermatology (412601)
Dermatology - Adult (412610)
Dermatology - AHEC (412699)
Dermatology - Medical Derm (412602)
Dermatology- Pediatrics (412615)
Dermatology-Burlington (412609)
Dermatology-Dermpath (412604)
Dermatology-Faculty Phy (410626)
Dermatology-IF (412605)
Dermatology-MOHS (412603)
Dermatology-Research (412620)
Dermatology-Rex General (412606)
Diabetes Ctr for Excellence (427201)
DICE Center (637300)
Digital and Lifelong Learning (527601)
Distinguished Scholarships (302201)
DPS Parking (234801)
DPS Transportation (234901)
Dramatic Art (310200)
Drug Safety Science Ctr (425801)
Earth Marine Environmt Sci (318000)
Econ Dev and Military Affairs (107000)
Economics (315700)
EHS Central Account (230510)
EHS Hospital Contracts (230512)
EHS UEOHC (230511)
Emergency Medicine (411201)
Emergency Medicine-Faculty Phy (410612)
Emergency Medicine-Psychiatry (411202)
Emergency Medicine-Research (411205)
Emergency Mgt and Planning (230120)
Employee Forum (266000)
Endodontics (432000)
English and Comp Literature (311500)
Enrollment Management (540500)
ENT - FP Childrens Cochlear (414410)
ENT - Head and Neck (414406)
ENT - Otology (414404)
ENT - Pediatrics (414405)
ENT - Plastics (414407)
ENT - Voice and Swallowing (414402)
ENT-General (414409)
ENT-Sinus (414403)
ENT-Skull Base (414408)
Enter Fin Rep Analysis - BI (214100)
Enterprise Data Office (102510)
Entrepreneurship (315701)
Envir Sciences and Engineering (463001)
Enviro Med Asthma and Lung Bio (426601)
Environ Health and Suscep (460500)
Environ Health Suscep - Ops (460501)
Environ Health Suscep - Prog (460502)
Environ Sciences Enginrg - OLD (463000)
Environment Ecology Energy Prg (318500)
Environment Ecology-OLD (318002)
Epidemiology (463501)
Epidemiology - OLD (463500)
Eprocurement - Materials Mgmt (213640)
Equal Oppty and Compliance (263000)
ES Admin (227010)
ES Admin - OLD (231010)
ES CG (227110)
ES CG - OLD (231110)
ES CG Storeroom (227140)
ES CG Warehouse - OLD (231141)
ES CG Warehouse Shop-OLD (231130)
ES CW (227310)
ES CW - OLD (231310)
ES ED - OLD (231210)
ES ED Utilities Storeroom (227280)
ES ED Utilities Storeroom -OLD (231286)
ES EDS (227210)
ES EMCS (227030)
ES F and A Grant Funds (230901)
ES Gas (227710)
ES Gas - OLD (231510)
ES ITS (227020)
ES ITS - OLD (231910)
ES NP Water (227510)
ES NPWater - OLD (231610)
ES Other Funds (227910)
ES Renewable Energy Fee (230902)
ES Stormwater (227610)
ES StormWater-OLD (231651)
ES Water and Sewer-OLD (231710)
ES Water/Sewer (227410)
ESE - Inst Envir Hlth Solution (463003)
ESE - Water Institute (463002)
ESE Financial Risk in Envr Sys (463004)
Ethics Integr & Plcy Mngt- Old (230500)
European Studies Center (313300)
Exec Dir for the Arts (506000)
Exercise and Sport Science (318600)
Export Compliance Office- Old (230400)
Facilities (142000)
Facilities Operations Support (245700)
Faculty Assembly (102010)
Faculty Physicians Admin (410601)
Family Med - Chatham CFMS (411605)
Family Medicine (411601)
Family Medicine - Clinic (411620)
Family Medicine - FMIS-FCPC (411626)
Family Medicine - Urgent Care (411622)
Family Medicine-AHEC (411699)
Family Medicine-Faculty Phy (410616)
Family Medicine-Sports Med (411625)
Federal Affairs (257004)
Federal Affairs-OLD (624300)
Federal Work Study (543500)
Fin Data Analytics-Reporting (213510)
Finance (105100)
Finance Business Analysis (214300)
Finance Business Analysis -OLD (213500)
Finance Commun and Training (213100)
Financial Reprt and Mgmt Svcs (213410)
First Year Seminars (302502)
FPG Child Development Inst (631200)
FS - Capital Improvements (240700)
FS-Admin Svcs (240500)
FS-Admin-Bus and Fin Systems (248004)
FS-Admin-Capital Accounting (248002)
FS-Admin-Central (248100)
FS-Admin-Cost Accounting (248005)
FS-Admin-Fin Rptg and Budgets (248003)
FS-Admin-HR-Training (248201)
FS-Admin-Human Resources (248200)
FS-Admin-Technology Svcs (248001)
FS-Administration (248000)
FS-AVC Facilities (240100)
FS-Bldg Svcs-Campus Maint (245200)
FS-Bldg Svcs-CMaint-245208 (245208)
FS-Bldg Svcs-CMaint-2nd Shift (245220)
FS-Bldg Svcs-CMaint-Carpentry (245202)
FS-Bldg Svcs-CMaint-Electrical (245203)
FS-Bldg Svcs-CMaint-Exteriors (245207)
FS-Bldg Svcs-Cmaint-Insulation (245206)
FS-Bldg Svcs-CMaint-Masonry (245205)
FS-Bldg Svcs-CMaint-Plumbing (245201)
FS-Bldg Svcs-CMaint-SAC (245204)
FS-Bldg Svcs-EMCS (245500)
FS-Bldg Svcs-EMCS-Controls (245501)
FS-Bldg Svcs-EMCS-DDC (245502)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HMaint-AccConData (245403)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HMaint-Carpentry (245405)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HMaint-Electrical (245411)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HMaint-HVAC (245406)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HMaint-Locksmith (245413)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HMaint-Paint (245412)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HMaint-PestCont (245404)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HMaint-SouCamp (245410)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HMaint-South (245409)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HMaint-Store (245401)
FS-Bldg Svcs-Housing Maint (245400)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HVAC (245100)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HVAC-2nd Shift (245120)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HVAC-Aux Equip (245101)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HVAC-Controls (245102)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HVAC-DDC (245103)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HVAC-Refrig (245104)
FS-Bldg Svcs-HVAC-Shop (245105)
FS-Bldg Svcs-Life Safety andAC (245300)
FS-Bldg Svcs-LSAC-2nd Shift (245320)
FS-Bldg Svcs-LSAC-Generator (245301)
FS-Bldg Svcs-LSAC-Hardware (245303)
FS-Bldg Svcs-LSAC-LS Systems (245302)
FS-Bldg Svcs-LSAC-PM Cntrcts (245304)
FS-Bldg Svcs-Shop 245702 (245702)
FS-Building Services (245000)
FS-Con-Construction Management (246400)
FS-Con-Construction Services (246200)
FS-Con-Contract Admin (246002)
FS-Con-Estimating - Scheduling (246300)
FS-Con-Project Mgmt (246001)
FS-Con-Shop 246100 (246100)
FS-Con-Shop 246101 (246101)
FS-Const Mgmt Shop (246402)
FS-Const Svcs-Shop 246003 (246003)
FS-Construction (246000)
FS-CS-Carpentry (246202)
FS-CS-Electrical (246203)
FS-CS-Painting (246206)
FS-CS-Plumbing (246201)
FS-CS-Sheetmetal (246204)
FS-CS-Signs (246207)
FS-CS-Small Jobs (246205)
FS-EM-Commissioning (247101)
FS-Energy Mgmt (247001)
FS-Eng-Energy Mgmt (247100)
FS-Eng-Facilities Engineering (247200)
FS-Engineering & Construction (240400)
FS-Engineering - Construction (247000)
FS-FAC-Engineering (247002)
FS-Facilities Operations (241000)
FS-Facilities Plan and Design (243000)
FS-FPD Svcs-Design (243003)
FS-FPD Svcs-Interior Design (243002)
FS-FPD Svcs-Project Mgt (243001)
FS-FPD- Capital Project Mgmt (243100)
FS-FPD-Design Services (243300)
FS-FPD-Interior Design (243200)
FS-FPD-Tech Group (243400)
FS-Garage Ops (248400)
FS-Garage Ops - Grounds (248401)
FS-Garage Ops - Motor Pool (248402)
FS-Grounds Services (244000)
FS-Grounds-Administration (244001)
FS-Grounds-Forrester Svcs (244002)
FS-Grounds-Housing (244006)
FS-Grounds-Landscape Install (244004)
FS-Grounds-Landscape Maint N (244003)
FS-Grounds-LS Maint Hsng/Pkng (244005)
FS-Grounds-Rizzo (244008)
FS-Grounds-Stormwater (244007)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs (242000)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Asst Dir (242030)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Eve AD (242031)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Night N (242040)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Night S (242041)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-OS1 (242043)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Training (242042)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 01 (242001)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 02 (242002)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 03 (242003)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 04 (242004)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 05 (242005)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 06 (242006)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 07 (242007)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 08 (242008)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 09 (242009)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 10 (242010)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 11 (242011)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 12 (242012)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 13 (242013)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 14 (242014)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 15 (242015)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 16 (242016)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 17 (242017)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 18 (242018)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 19 (242019)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 21 (242021)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 22 (242022)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 23 (242023)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 25 (242025)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 26 (242026)
FS-Housekeeping Svcs-Zone 27 (242027)
FS-Maintenance Projects (241100)
FS-Materials and Logistics (248300)
FS-ML Warehouse Ops (248301)
FS-MtrFlt,Non FSMV (248006)
FS-Old OWRR (248500)
FS-Old OWRR Operations (248501)
FS-Operations (241200)
FS-Operations Administration (240200)
FS-OWRR (245600)
FS-OWRR-Operations (245601)
FS-Planning and Design Admin (240300)
GAOSR Federal (999995)
GAOSR Other (999996)
GAOSR State (999994)
Gastroint Biology and Dis Ctr (429001)
GEC Building Operations (313400)
Gene Therapy Center (428001)
General Anesthesia (413608)
General Pediatrics (412009)
Genetics (423501)
Genetics - Genome Sciences (423503)
Genetics Curriculum (423502)
Genome Sciences (426201)
Geography (315800)
Geological Sciences (318700)
Germanic and Slavic Lang Lit (311600)
Glbl Hlth and Inf Dis-Int'l (427802)
Global Partnership Programs (506501)
Global Studies (313500)
Globl Hlth and Infect Disease (427801)
GloblHlth and Inf Dis-CFAR (427805)
Government Relations (104210)
Grad School (390100)
Graduate Education - SOM (420301)
Graduate Student Clinic (431600)
H W Odum Inst Res Social Sci (631300)
Health Behavior (464001)
Health Behavior - OLD (464000)
Health Care and Prevention (468581)
Health Policy and Management (461001)
Health Policy and Mgmnt - OLD (461000)
Health Sciences - AHEC (405599)
Health Sciences - CLDS (405502)
Health Sciences - CLS (405505)
Health Sciences - CRMH (405506)
Health Sciences - NDSS (405510)
Health Sciences - OT (405508)
Health Sciences - PA Program (405509)
Health Sciences - PT (405507)
Health Sciences - Rad Sci (405504)
Health Sciences - SPHS (405503)
Health Sciences Library (552500)
Heart Vasc - Ad Car Ext Pract (414807)
Heart Vasc - Adult Cardiac Sur (414804)
Heart Vasc - Cardio Ext Pract (414806)
Heart Vasc - CVTICU (414808)
Heart Vasc - Vascular Surg (414805)
Heart Vascular (414801)
Heart Vascular - Cardiology (414803)
Heart Vascular-VIR (414802)
Highway Safety Research (633600)
Hillsborough MOB (415001)
History (315900)
HMOB Cardiology (415012)
HMOB Derm (415004)
HMOB General Surgery (415014)
HMOB GI Clinic (415002)
HMOB GI Procedure (415003)
HMOB Hem Onc (415005)
HMOB MIGS (415011)
HMOB NeuroSurgery (415015)
HMOB Orthopaedics (415017)
HMOB Pain Clinic (415016)
HMOB Surg Onc (415006)
HMOB Urogyn Clinic (415008)
HMOB Urology (415007)
HMOB Women's Primary (415009)
Honors (302200)
Horace Williams Airport (239910)
HR - Benefits-Leave-WellBeing (260102)
HR - Class and Comp (260103)
HR - EHRA Personnel Admin (260106)
HR - Emp and Mgmt Relations (260104)
HR - Employment and Staffing (260105)
HR - Executive Talent Mgmt (260110)
HR - HR Records (260109)
HR - Org and Prof Dev (260107)
HR Information Mgmt (260108)
HR_EOC - Business (260030)
HR_EOC - Communications (260020)
HR_EOC - Ofc of ViceChancellor (260010)
HR_EOC - Operations (260101)
Human Resources (260100)
Human Resources (105500)
IEED - Carolina Angel Network (201440)
IEED - Innovate Carolina (201420)
IEED - Kickstart (201430)
IEED - Office Tech Commercial (201401)
IEED - VC for Innovation (201410)
IEED-Carolina Impact Ventures (201460)
IEED-Inst for Convergent Sci (201470)
IEED-Off Inn & Des for Pub Gd (201450)
Inclusive Excellence (460170)
Information Technology (105330)
Information Technology-SOM (420401)
Injury Prevention Research Ctr (633500)
Innovation (460147)
Innovation and Entrepreneurshp (200300)
Inst African American Research (523000)
Inst Research and Assessment (505000)
Inst Risk Mgmt Ins Innov (633700)
Institute Convergent Science (624500)
Institute of Marine Scien-OLD (635100)
Institute of Marine Sciences (318001)
Institute on Aging - OLD (633400)
Institutional Privacy Office (200420)
Insurance and Risk Management (213340)
Internal Audit (200700)
Internal Audit (105430)
ITS - CCI - Car Comp Initiativ (607500)
ITS - Comm Technologies (608000)
ITS - CRC - Comp Repair Center (607700)
ITS - Customer Experience (607000)
ITS - Data Rept and Middleware (603500)
ITS - EA-Connect Carolina (603000)
ITS - Educational Technologies (606000)
ITS - Finance and Admin (604000)
ITS - Info Tech Svcs (600100)
ITS - Information Security (602000)
ITS - IT Infrastructure (605000)
ITS - Projects (609500)
ITS - Software Distribution (607800)
ITS - Student Tech Support (609000)
ITS - VC - CIO (601000)
Jewish Studies (312400)
Jewish Studies-OLD (311601)
K F Sch Bus Fdn (330500)
Katherine Everett Law Library (361030)
Kenan Ctr Util Carbon Dioxide (639900)
Kenan Institute of Private Ent (331600)
Kenan-Flagler Bus Sch (330100)
Lab School (340500)
Law Academic Deans (361020)
Law Administration (360110)
Law Admissions (363010)
Law Advancement (360140)
Law AEP (361400)
Law Alumni Relations (360150)
Law CDO (363030)
Law CE3 (363540)
Law Center for Banking (363510)
Law Center for Civil Rights (363520)
Law Center for Poverty (363530)
Law CLE (362000)
Law Clinic (361100)
Law Communications (360160)
Law Deans Office (361010)
Law Externship (361050)
Law Facilities (360120)
Law Faculty (360410)
Law Faculty Profess Developmnt (360430)
Law Faculty Research RA (360420)
Law Foundation (360170)
Law International Programs (361300)
Law IT (360130)
Law Library (552000)
Law Public Service (363022)
Law Scholarships and LRAP (363040)
Law Student Organizations (363023)
Law Student Services Office (363020)
Law Trial Advocacy (361040)
Law WLRC (361200)
LCCC - CFAR (426802)
LCCC - Clinical Trials (426806)
LCCC - CTI (426804)
LCCC - Special Operations (426803)
LCCC - UCRF (426805)
LCCC - UNC Health Foundation (426807)
LCCC-Computational Medicine (426808)
Legal Affairs (106000)
Lib-Administration (553010)
Lib-Administrative Services (553040)
Lib-AHEC (553380)
Lib-Branch Libraries (553170)
Lib-Circulation-Davis (553090)
Lib-Circulation-HSL (553350)
Lib-Collections Strat & Svcs (553080)
Lib-Communications (553020)
Lib-Development (553030)
Lib-Digital Research Services (553100)
Lib-Digital Strategies & IT (553180)
Lib-Facilities (553050)
Lib-Fiscal Services (553060)
Lib-Health Research Services (553360)
Lib-Health Sciences Library (553340)
Lib-House Undergraduate Lib (553160)
Lib-Human Resources (553070)
Lib-Infrastructure Management (553210)
Lib-Interlibrary Services (553110)
Lib-NC Digital Heritage Center (553280)
Lib-North Carolina Collection (553290)
Lib-Preservation & Consrv Svcs (553320)
Lib-Rare Book Collection (553260)
Lib-Repository Services (553220)
Lib-Research & Instr Svcs (553120)
Lib-Research & Instr Svcs-HSL (553370)
Lib-Research & Instr Svcs-SC (553270)
Lib-Resource Acqs & Mgmt (553130)
Lib-Resource Descr & Mgmt (553140)
Lib-Scholarly Communications (553150)
Lib-Software Development (553200)
Lib-Southern Folklife Collect (553250)
Lib-Southern Historical Collec (553310)
Lib-Special Collections (553240)
Lib-Technical Services-SC (553330)
Lib-University Archives (553300)
Lib-User Experience & Assess (553230)
Lib-User Support Services (553190)
Lineberger Compr Cancer Center (426801)
Linguistics (311800)
Logistics (213660)
Marine Sciences (318800)
Marine Sciences Program (524000)
Marsico Lung Inst - Airways (426402)
Marsico Lung Inst - CF Center (426401)
Maternal and Child Health (464501)
Maternal and Child Hlth - OLD (464500)
Maternal and Infant Health Ctr (425401)
Mathematics (318900)
Med Ad - Finance Service Ctr (420109)
Med Ad Commitments (420101)
Med Ad-Computational Medicine (420137)
Med Ad-Deans Office (420104)
Med Ad-Faculty Affairs (420111)
Med Ad-Fin and Bus Operations (420102)
Med Ad-Home Office (420110)
Med Ad-Human Resources (420103)
Med Ad-Innovation Center (420112)
Med Ad-MD/PhD Program (420213)
Med Ad-Medical Alumni Affairs (420105)
Med Ad-Ofc Rural Initiatives (420207)
Med Ad-OIECE (420114)
Med Ad-OSEE (420206)
Med Ad-Planning Office (420106)
Med Ad-Precision Medicine (420127)
Med Ad-Quality Institute (420115)
Med Ad-Research (420107)
Med Ad-SOMClinical Trials Unit (420125)
Med Ad-Sponsored Programs (420108)
Med Ad-Vector Core (428002)
Med Admin-Cores (420117)
Med-Ambulatory Care Centers (411407)
Med-Geriatric Medicine (411440)
Med-Hemophilia Trtment Center (411493)
Med-ID Trnsplt Compromised Hst (411462)
Med-Infectious Disease Pharmcy (411463)
Med-Infectious Diseases (411460)
Med-Multidisc Outpatnt Clinics (411402)
Med-Nephrology (411470)
Med-P A Allergy and Immunology (411451)
Med-Pulmonary (411480)
Med-UNC Blood Research Center (411494)
Medical School Aircraft (405001)
Medical Student Education (420201)
Medicine - AHEC (411499)
Medicine - Cardiology (411405)
Medicine - Contracts (411415)
Medicine - Dept of (411401)
Medicine - Genetics (411406)
Medicine - HouseStaff (411403)
Medicine - MHI (411427)
Medicine - Pharmacy Pgrms-340B (411505)
Medicine Hospitalist (411404)
Medicine-Endocrinology (411410)
Medicine-Faculty Phy (410614)
Medicine-Gastroenterology (411420)
Medicine-Hematology (411490)
Medicine-HemOnc Sanford (411492)
Medicine-Internal Medicine (411430)
Medicine-Oncology (411491)
Medicine-Pharmacy Programs (411501)
Medicine-Phrm Pgrm-RYAN WHITE (411510)
Medicine-UNCP A Rheumatology (411450)
Medieval and Early Modern (315901)
MedStuEd - SOM Asheville (420217)
MedStuEd - SOM Charlotte (420215)
MedStuEd - SOM Greensboro (420218)
MedStuEd - SOM Raleigh (420219)
MedStuEd - SOM Wilmington (420216)
MedStuEd-Admissions (420205)
MedStuEd-AHEC OME (420211)
MedStuEd-Continuing Prof Devlp (420208)
MedStuEd-Curriculum Affairs (420202)
MedStuEd-MAHEC HA Sch(Non-SOM) (420212)
MedStuEd-MD Teaching (420210)
MedStuEd-Ofc International Act (420214)
MedStuEd-Scholarships Finl Aid (420203)
MedStuEd-Student Affairs (420204)
Microbiology and Immunology (422501)
Middle East - Islamic Studies (313600)
Military Science (316000)
MMD-Dental Stockroom (213661)
MMD-General Storeroom (213662)
MMD-Scientific Supply (213665)
Morehead Planetarium (524500)
Music (310300)
Naval Science (316100)
NC Botanical Garden (525000)
NC Collaboratory (221010)
NC Institute for Public Health (468520)
NCIPH and PHLP (468500)
NCIPH and PHLP - Ops (468501)
NCIPH Training (468523)
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (412013)
Neurology (411801)
Neurology-Cognitive Mem Dis (411810)
Neurology-Epilepsy (411845)
Neurology-Faculty Physicians (410618)
Neurology-ICU (411815)
Neurology-Movement Disorders (411820)
Neurology-Neurogenetics (411855)
Neurology-Neuroimmunology (411825)
Neurology-Neuromuscular (411830)
Neurology-Oncology (411835)
Neurology-Pediatrics (411805)
Neurology-Sleep (411840)
Neurology-Stroke (411850)
Neuroscience (411802)
Neuroscience Center (428601)
Neurosurgery (414202)
Neurosurgery - Offsite (414205)
Neurosurgery - Admin (414201)
Neurosurgery-Faculty Phy (410642)
Neurosurgery-HIFoc Ultrasound (414210)
Nursing Foundation (449900)
Nutrition (466001)
Nutrition (State Funds) (425101)
Nutrition - OLD (466000)
Nutrition Research Institute (633300)
OB Anesthesia (413604)
OBGYN - Administration (412401)
OBGYN-Division of Research (412403)
OBGYN-Family Planning (412461)
OBGYN-Family Planning-OLD (412475)
OBGYN-General OBGYN (412470)
OBGYN-Global Health (412490)
OBGYN-GYN Oncology (412430)
OBGYN-Gyn Oncology Cone Health (412435)
OBGYN-Gyn Oncology Rex (412433)
OBGYN-GYN Only (412465)
OBGYN-Hillsborough MOB (412437)
OBGYN-Horizons (412480)
OBGYN-Medical Education (412402)
OBGYN-MFM (412440)
OBGYN-MFM at Rex (412442)
OBGYN-MFM Telemedicine (412443)
OBGYN-Midwifery (412473)
OBGYN-Midwifery-OLD (412420)
OBGYN-MIGS (412462)
OBGYN-MSS Prenatal Diabetes (412445)
OBGYN-REI (412450)
OBGYN-Ultrasound (412448)
OBGYN-UNC MFM at Vilcom (412406)
OBGYN-Urogynecology (412460)
OBGYN-Weaver Crossing (412472)
Obstetrics Gynecology - AHEC (412499)
Obstetrics Gynecology FP (410624)
OEVCP - Academic Initiatives (501101)
OEVCP - Provost Commitments (501001)
OEVCP - Provost Operating (501002)
OEVCP Faculty Affairs (501400)
OEVCP Strat Resource Mngmnt (501500)
Ofc of Human Research Ethics (621300)
Ofc of Research Communications (624400)
Office Faculty Governance (200900)
Office Interprof Edu Practice (501200)
Office of Animal Care and Use (621400)
Office of Industry Contracting (621800)
Office of Research Development (624200)
Office of Sponsored Programs (621100)
Office of Technology Dev - OLD (624100)
Office of the Chancellor (200100)
Operational Excellence (203000)
Operative Dentistry (433000)
Ophthalmology (413201)
Ophthalmology - ACC (413248)
Ophthalmology - OphthCarCr (413249)
Ophthalmology - Optical Shop (413245)
Ophthalmology - Roxboro (413243)
Ophthalmology - Siler City (413266)
Ophthalmology - UNC PARK (413267)
Ophthalmology-Faculty Phy (410632)
Ophthalmology-Holly Springs (413250)
Orthopaedics (414601)
Orthopaedics - Foot and Ankle (414620)
Orthopaedics - Hand (414625)
Orthopaedics - Joint Replacemt (414610)
Orthopaedics - Orthonow (414645)
Orthopaedics - Pediatrics (414635)
Orthopaedics - Research (414604)
Orthopaedics - Spine (414615)
Orthopaedics - Sports Medicine (414605)
Orthopaedics - Trauma (414640)
Orthopaedics-Ambulatory Clinic (414602)
Orthopaedics-Faculty Phy (410646)
Orthopaedics-Orthopaedic Tumor (414630)
Orthotics and Prosthetics (415501)
Otolaryngology (Ent) (414401)
Otolaryngology(ENT)Faculty Phy (410644)
Outreach and Communications (150200)
Pain Anesthesia (413602)
Palliative Care (410605)
Parking (225401)
Partnerships in Aging Program (523500)
Pathology Lab Med (413801)
Pathology Lab Med - Clinical (413802)
Pathology Lab Med - FOBRL (413806)
Pathology Lab Med - Nephropath (413803)
Pathology Lab Med - Recharge (413805)
Pathology Lab Med - Research (413804)
Pathology Lab Med-FP (410638)
Payroll Services (213430)
PBS North Carolina (160000)
PBSNC Building Operations (161610)
PBSNC Chief Executive Officer (161110)
PBSNC Children Media Ed Svcs (165020)
PBSNC Content Management (164999)
PBSNC Corporate Engagement (164000)
PBSNC Corporate Underwriting (162300)
PBSNC COS (161120)
PBSNC Creative (166020)
PBSNC Development (161300)
PBSNC Development Operations (167000)
PBSNC Digital Marketing (166010)
PBSNC Donations (162000)
PBSNC Education Innovation (165800)
PBSNC Engineering Services (163500)
PBSNC Executive Management (161100)
PBSNC Facilities (161600)
PBSNC Finance (161200)
PBSNC Foundation (168000)
PBSNC Grants Fdn and Gov Spprt (162500)
PBSNC Human Resources (161400)
PBSNC Impact (162600)
PBSNC IT Support (161500)
PBSNC Legal Affairs (161130)
PBSNC Mail Room Copy Center (161630)
PBSNC Management and General (161000)
PBSNC Marketing Communications (166000)
PBSNC Media Innovation Lab (164500)
PBSNC Membership (162100)
PBSNC Natl Independent Prodctn (164200)
PBSNC New Tech Compliance Plan (163600)
PBSNC Org Prod Lifestyle Cultr (164300)
PBSNC Orig Prod Publc Aff Scnc (165040)
PBSNC PBS More Channel (165010)
PBSNC Philanthropic Giving (162400)
PBSNC Production Services (164100)
PBSNC Programming (165000)
PBSNC Public Affairs (164400)
PBSNC Technology (163000)
PBSNC Transmitters (163200)
PBSNC Travel Educ Arts Channel (165030)
Peace War and Defense (316200)
Pediatric Anesthesia (413613)
Pediatric Nocturnists (412005)
Pediatrics (412001)
Pediatrics - AHEC (412099)
Pediatrics - Nephrology (412021)
Pediatrics - Rheumatology (412020)
Pediatrics-Education (412015)
Pediatrics-Faculty Physician (410620)
Pediatrics-Infectious Disease (412017)
Pediatrics-UNC Health Fdn (412098)
Peds-AIR (412002)
Peds-Cardiology (412003)
Peds-Children's Research Inst (412019)
Peds-Critical Care Medicine (412016)
Peds-Emergency Medicine (412006)
Peds-Endocrinology (412007)
Peds-Gastroenterology (412008)
Peds-Genetics and Metabolism (412010)
Peds-Hematology/Oncology (412011)
Peds-Hospital Medicine (412018)
Peds-Pulmonology (412014)
Peds-Wilmington (412012)
Periodontology (435500)
PH Leadership and Practice (468580)
Pharmacology (424001)
Pharmacy Foundation (459900)
Pharmacy-Asheville (455100)
Pharmacy-Elizabeth City (455200)
Philosophy (311900)
Physical Medicine Rehab (413401)
Physical Medicine Rehab-Apex (413425)
Physical Medicine Rehab-Clin (413410)
Physical Medicine Rehab-COVID (413415)
Physical Medicine Rehab-FP (410634)
Physical Medicine Rehab-Res (413430)
Physical Medicine Rehab-RexSub (413420)
Physical Medicine RehabExtSite (413455)
Physics and Astronomy (319000)
PlayMakers Repertory (310201)
Policy and Analysis (214410)
Political Science (316300)
Postdoc Affairs (621700)
President (101000)
Privacy Office- Old (230300)
Procurement and Strategic Ops (213600)
Procurement Svcs Operations (213650)
Program for Public Discour-OLD (302700)
Program for Public Discourse (312501)
PropOfc-Commercial - Office (211121)
PropOfc-Commercial - Retail (211122)
PropOfc-Commercial Properties (211120)
PropOfc-Land-Mngd Properties (211130)
PropOfc-Leasing Operations (211200)
PropOfc-Managed Properties (211100)
PropOfc-Residential Properties (211110)
Psychiatry (412201)
Psychiatry - AHEC (412299)
Psychiatry - Faculty Practice (412203)
Psychiatry - General (412202)
Psychiatry - Research (412250)
Psychiatry - XDS (412214)
Psychiatry - YBH Butner (412217)
Psychiatry-Alcohol Center (412207)
Psychiatry-Centr of Excel-ACT (412215)
Psychiatry-Centr of Excel-CRC (412213)
Psychiatry-Centr of Excel-Dept (412216)
Psychiatry-Centr of Excel-STEP (412211)
Psychiatry-Centr ofExcel-ADMIN (412210)
Psychiatry-Centr ofExcel-OASIS (412212)
Psychiatry-Child Outpt Program (412204)
Psychiatry-CIDD (412206)
Psychiatry-Faculty Physician (410622)
Psychiatry-Integrated Care Cli (412208)
Psychiatry-NC Research Center (412218)
Psychiatry-Penny Lane (412219)
Psychiatry-TailoredPlnCareMgmt (412221)
Psychiatry-TEACCH (412205)
Psychiatry-Wake OASIS (412220)
Psychiatry-WakeBrook ACT Team (412237)
Psychiatry-WakeBrook Admin (412230)
Psychiatry-Wakebrook ATC (412232)
Psychiatry-Wakebrook CAS (412231)
Psychiatry-Wakebrook FBC (412233)
Psychiatry-Wakebrook Inpatient (412234)
Psychiatry-WakeBrook Primary C (412235)
Psychiatry-Wakebrook STEP (412236)
Psychology and Neuroscience (319100)
Public Health Continued Ed (468524)
Public Health Nursing (468582)
Public Policy (316400)
Purchasing Services (213610)
Quail Roost (239810)
QURA Therapeutics (100000)
Radiation Oncology (413001)
Radiation Oncology - Caldwell (413006)
Radiation Oncology - Hospital (413004)
Radiation Oncology - Rex (413003)
Radiation Oncology-Chapel Hill (413002)
Radiation Oncology-FP (410630)
Radiation Oncology-Hillsboroug (413005)
Radiology (412801)
Radiology - Abdominal Imaging (412813)
Radiology - Breast Imaging (412804)
Radiology - Chest (412805)
Radiology - Neuroradiology (412809)
Radiology - Pediatric Imaging (412810)
Radiology - Research (412802)
Radiology - Residency Program (412811)
Radiology - VascularIntervntnl (412803)
Radiology- Community Radiology (412815)
Radiology- Emergency Radiology (412814)
Radiology-Faculty Phy (410628)
Radiology-Interventional Neuro (412806)
Radiology-Molecular Imaging (412808)
Radiology-Musculoskeletal Imag (412807)
READDI (450400)
Religious Studies (312000)
Renaissance Computing Inst (637100)
Res Evaluatn and Tech Assist (468522)
Research Computing (615000)
Research Data Management Core (631350)
Research Information Systems (621600)
Research Innov Global Solns (460145)
Resilience Center (637200)
RESPC-OLD (227920)
Risk Management Services (235000)
Robertson Scholars Prog (302300)
Romance Studies (312100)
SA Accessibility Resources Ser (641501)
SA Campus Health Athletic Hlth (650006)
SA Campus Health Clinic (650012)
SA Campus Health Emergency Ops (650011)
SA Campus Health Envir of Care (650005)
SA Campus Health Facilities (650002)
SA Campus Health Lab (650014)
SA Campus Health Payer Mgmt (650009)
SA Campus Health Pharmacy (650003)
SA Campus Health Services (650001)
SA Campus Health Sports Med/PT (650004)
SA Campus Health Student Hlth (650013)
SA Campus Health Technology (650007)
SA Campus Health Wellness (650008)
SA Campus Health X-Ray (650015)
SA Carolina Housing (653001)
SA Carolina Housing Carmichael (653602)
SA Carolina Housing Cobb (653502)
SA Carolina Housing Conference (653002)
SA Carolina Housing Connor (653503)
SA Carolina Housing Craige (653702)
SA Carolina Housing Ehringhaus (653703)
SA Carolina Housing Facilities (653201)
SA Carolina Housing Family Hsg (653102)
SA Carolina Housing Granville (653801)
SA Carolina Housing Hinton Jms (653704)
SA Carolina Housing Info Svcs (653101)
SA Carolina Housing Kenan (653504)
SA Carolina Housing Lower Quad (653505)
SA Carolina Housing Manning E (653404)
SA Carolina Housing Manning W (653405)
SA Carolina Housing Morrison (653603)
SA Carolina Housing Parker (653604)
SA Carolina Housing Ram Villag (653403)
SA Carolina Housing Res Educ (653301)
SA Carolina Housing ResNET (653003)
SA Carolina Housing Upper Quad (653506)
SA Carolina Union Comm Cr Svcs (645201)
SA Carolina Union Event Svcs (645101)
SA Carolina Union Stu Enrich (645303)
SA Carolina Union Stu Org Fee (645302)
SA CHS Student Stores Pharmacy (650016)
SA Counseling Psych Svc (CAPS) (650010)
SA Finance and HR (640102)
SA Fraternity Sorority Life (641001)
SA New Student Family Prgrms (648001)
SA NSFP Parent Fund (648101)
SA NSFP Parents Council (648201)
SA Off-Campus Student Life (641301)
SA Student Activities Fund Off (645301)
SA UNC Y (645401)
SA Univ Career Services-OLD (643000)
SA University Career Services (643001)
SA Vice Chancellor-OLD (640100)
SA Violence Prev and Advo Svcs (640801)
Safety & ERM (104500)
SBTDC KFBS Regional Svc Ctr (331700)
SCE - Communications and Mktng (215400)
SCE - Cont Imp Staff Dev Eng (215500)
SCE - Finance (215200)
SCE - Human Resources (215100)
SCE - IT (215300)
SCE - Operations (215000)
Sch of Inform and Libr Science (370101)
Sch of Nursing (440100)
Sch Social Work Fdn (384900)
Scholarships and Aid-Ops (543100)
Scholarships and Student Aid (543000)
School of Data Sci and Society (397100)
School of Education (340100)
School of Journ and Media Fdn (353000)
School of Journalism and Media (350100)
School of Law (360001)
School of Nursing-AGH (440180)
School of Nursing-BBL (440131)
School of Nursing-CLL (440142)
School of Nursing-DO (440110)
School of Nursing-Fac (440141)
School of Nursing-FH (440170)
School of Nursing-HCE (440160)
School of Nursing-IIT (440147)
School of Nursing-OAA (440120)
School of Nursing-OAS (440140)
School of Nursing-OASS (440127)
School of Nursing-RSC (440130)
SEAA Administrative Services (151000)
SEAA College Foundation (157100)
SEAA Facilities (151100)
SEAA Finance (157000)
SEAA Higher Education (153000)
SEAA Higher Education-Grants (153200)
SEAA Info Tech Development (156100)
SEAA Info Tech Operations (156200)
SEAA Information Tech Security (156300)
SEAA Information Technology (156000)
SEAA K12 Scholarship Programs (154000)
SEAA Legal Affairs (155000)
Secretary of the University (257001)
Secretary of University (104600)
Sexuality Studies (312301)
Shared Advancement Services (105600)
Sheps Ctr for Hlth Serv Res (633100)
Slavic Eur E Europ Stds Ctr (313700)
Social Med - Biomedical Ethics (424902)
Social Med -Center Hlth Dispar (424903)
Social Medicine (424901)
Social Medicine-AHEC (424999)
Sociology (316500)
SOG Benchmarking (375509)
SOG Business Operations (375103)
SOG Courts Division (375106)
SOG Crim Justice Innov Lab (375506)
SOG Ctr for Public Technology (375800)
SOG Ctr Public Leadership Gov (375501)
SOG Dev Finance Initiative (375900)
SOG Development (375105)
SOG Environmental Finance Ctr (375700)
SOG Facilities (375107)
SOG Information Management (375104)
SOG Judicial College (375500)
SOG Law and Finance Div (375110)
SOG Legislative Reporting Svc (375600)
SOG Library (375109)
SOG Manage and Lead Div (375108)
SOG MPA Online Program (375400)
SOG MPA Program (375300)
SOG Programs (375101)
SOG Public Defense Education (375503)
SOG Public Serv Matters (375507)
SOG Sch of Government (375100)
SOG Sch of Government Fdn (375200)
SOG Strat Comm (375102)
SOM Clinical Research Alliance (425701)
SOM CRSO Clin Rsrch Supprt Ofc (425601)
SOM Workforce for Healthcare (400102)
Sonja H Stone Center (528000)
SOP-Advancement (450150)
SOP-Assessment (450151)
SOP-Catalyst Project (450104)
SOP-CBMC (452100)
SOP-CICBDD (452101)
SOP-CIPhER (450102)
SOP-CNDD (452401)
SOP-CPIT (452201)
SOP-DPET (452200)
SOP-DPMP (452400)
SOP-DPOP (452300)
SOP-Entrepreneurial Dev (450301)
SOP-Eshelman Innovation (450300)
SOP-Experiential Prog (450203)
SOP-Facilities (450181)
SOP-Finance (450182)
SOP-Global Engagement (450152)
SOP-Human Resources (450183)
SOP-IDSS (452202)
SOP-Information and Educ Tech (450186)
SOP-Information Technology (450184)
SOP-Marcom (450180)
SOP-Medication Optimizat-OLD (452301)
SOP-Medication Optimization (452502)
SOP-ODI (450153)
SOP-Office of the Dean (450100)
SOP-OLL (450101)
SOP-Operations (450185)
SOP-OSA-Grad Educ (450202)
SOP-Pharmaceutical Care Lab (452501)
SOP-Pharmacoinformatics (450155)
SOP-Pharmacy Simulation (450103)
SOP-Practice Advancement (452500)
SOP-Professional Education (450200)
SOP-Research (450154)
SOP-SGC Ctr for Chem Biology (452102)
SOP-Student Affairs (450201)
SPH - Acad Affairs (460155)
SPH - Advancement (460125)
SPH - CEPH Accreditation (460160)
SPH - Commitments (460175)
SPH - Communications (460130)
SPH - Deans Ofc (460101)
SPH - Facilities (460120)
SPH - Faculty Mentoring (460165)
SPH - Finance (460105)
SPH - GGG Operations (460135)
SPH - GGG Programs (460136)
SPH - Global Health (460149)
SPH - Human Resources (460110)
SPH - Information Technology (460121)
SPH - Innovation-Programs (460148)
SPH - OSA - Diversity (460116)
SPH - Other Undesignated (460122)
SPH - Practice (460150)
SPH - Research (460146)
SPH - RIS - Programs (460117)
SPH - Student Affairs (460140)
SPH - Student Aid (460180)
SPH -Faculty and Staff Affairs (460156)
SPH AHEC (468525)
SPH Shared Services - HR (460901)
Sponsored Programs (102420)
SS Clothing Daniels (223371)
SS Health Affairs Daniels (223321)
SS Post Office (223380)
ST Sustainability (236310)
State Edu Assistance Authority (150000)
State Government Relations (257003)
State Government Relations-OLD (201300)
Statistics and Operations Res (319200)
Strateg Analysis/Bus Intellige (460115)
Strategic Program and Sys Ops (213670)
Strategy and Policy (104800)
Student Aff Dean of Students (640501)
Student Aff Student Conduct (640601)
Student Aff Student Wellness (640701)
Student Affairs Carolina Union (645001)
Student Affairs Development (640201)
Student Affairs Division (640001)
Student Affairs Info Tech (641901)
Student Affairs LGBTQ Center (641601)
Student Affairs Ofc of the VC (640101)
Student Retention (302503)
Student Store Accounting (223020)
Student Store Administration (223010)
Student Store Bulls Head (223340)
Student Store Clothing (223370)
Student Store Computers (223350)
Student Store Custom Pub (223310)
Student Store Display - Adv (223060)
Student Store E-Commerce (223431)
Student Store Friday Cnt (223412)
Student Store Front Regs (223413)
Student Store Gifts (223420)
Student Store Graduation (223390)
Student Store Health Affairs (223320)
Student Store IT Support (223030)
Student Store Operations (223040)
Student Store Pit Stop (223410)
Student Store Printing (223430)
Student Store Sales Flr Mngrs (223421)
Student Store School Supplies (223360)
Student Store Temp Pool (223411)
Student Store Text Books (223330)
Student Store Warehouse (223050)
Student Stores (223000)
Study Abroad (313800)
Study of American South (312200)
Study of the Americas (313900)
Summer Bridge (302402)
Summer School Administration (395100)
Surgery (414001)
Surgery - Acute Care Trauma (414040)
Surgery - AHEC (414099)
Surgery - BRAC (414055)
Surgery - Burn Center (414005)
Surgery - Cardiothoracic (414010)
Surgery - CVTICU (414003)
Surgery - Gastrointest Surgery (414015)
Surgery - General Surgery (414002)
Surgery - Pediatric (414025)
Surgery - Plastic Reconstruct (414030)
Surgery - Research Other (414080)
Surgery - Surgical Oncology (414020)
Surgery - Transplant (414035)
Surgery - Vascular (414060)
Surgery-Faculty Phy (410640)
Surplus Property (213664)
Sustainability Office (226000)
SW-Behav Hlthcr Res Program (381100)
SW-Business Office (380300)
SW-CITU (380400)
SW-Cntr Aging Res and Edu Srvc (381000)
SW-Deans Office (380200)
SW-Dev Disabilities Trng Inst (381300)
SW-Fam - Child Res Program (381500)
SW-Family Support Program (381200)
SW-Jordan Inst for Families (381400)
SW-MSW Program (380800)
SW-MSW Program-Dist Ed (380801)
SW-MSW Program-Field Ed (380805)
SW-PhD Program (380700)
SW-Research Projects (382000)
SW-School of Social Work (380100)
TEACCH (427401)
TEACCH - AHEC (427499)
TEACCH - Asheville (427410)
TEACCH - Chapel Hill (427420)
TEACCH - Charlotte (427430)
TEACCH - CLLC (427480)
TEACCH - Early Intervention (427421)
TEACCH - Employment Services (427481)
TEACCH - Fayetteville (427440)
TEACCH - Greensboro (427450)
TEACCH - Greenville (427460)
TEACCH - MEC (427404)
TEACCH - Raleigh (427490)
TEACCH - Research (427402)
TEACCH - Training (427403)
TEACCH - Wilmington (427470)
The Employee Forum (201000)
Thurston Arthritis Res Center (429201)
Toxicology Curriculum (429601)
TraCS Institute (429801)
Trademark Licensing (228000)
Trademark Licensing Ops (228010)
Trans and Parking Director (225001)
Transportation (225701)
Transportation and Parking (225000)
Travel Services (213630)
Treasury Operations (213320)
Treasury Services (213300)
UCM-Accounting Services (285000)
UCM-Accting Svcs-Assoc Entity (285300)
UCM-Accting Svcs-CI (285200)
UCM-Accting Svcs-Invest Pool (285400)
UCM-Accting Svcs-Lving Trust (285100)
UCM-Budget Centrl TuitionFee (280100)
UCM-Budget Committee (280200)
UCM-Budget Control (280400)
UCM-Budget Dual Employment (280300)
UCM-Controller (284000)
UCM-Deposits (283200)
UCM-Loans (283300)
UCM-Payroll (288000)
UCM-Procurement (287000)
UCM-Student Accounts (283100)
UCM-Treasury RiskMgmt (286000)
UCM-University Cashiers (283000)
UNC Chapel Hill Emeritus/Ret (260040)
UNC Chapel Hill HR Leave (265000)
UNC Foundation (100100)
UNC Global - Gl Rsrch Inst (506502)
UNC Global - IS SS (506503)
UNC Global - World View (529000)
UNC HCS Home Office (416501)
UNC Health Foundation - EXT (420150)
UNC Health Foundation - REX (420151)
UNC Health Foundation - UNC (420155)
UNC Inst for the Environment (635200)
UNC Kidney Center (427601)
UNC Law Int for Innovation (363570)
UNC Management Company (200600)
UNC McAllister Heart Institute (427001)
UNC System Office HR DIP NC (105511)
UNC-CH Board of Trustees (257002)
UNC-CH Board of Trustees-OLD (201200)
UNCCH FDN FBO Sch of Education (340300)
UNCFP Administration (410101)
UNCFP Investments (410102)
UNCFP Operations (416002)
UNCFP Receipt Refund Clrng (410103)
UNCFP Reserves (416001)
UNCFP Shared Services (410105)
UNCFP Undesignated (410104)
UNCFP-COVID Prep and Response (416003)
UNCMC Shared Service-FEO (417501)
UNCMC Shared Services (416004)
UNCMC Shared Services-PAC (417001)
Undergraduate Curricula (302501)
Undergraduate Education (302500)
Undergraduate Research (302600)
Univ Cancer Res Fund - Infra (420706)
Univ Cancer Res Fund - Oppt (420704)
Univ Cancer Res Fund - Theme 1 (420701)
Univ Cancer Res Fund - Theme 2 (420702)
Univ Cancer Res Fund - Theme 3 (420703)
Univ Cancer Res Fund -Cl Infra (420705)
Univ Lib-Art Library (550503)
Univ Lib-NCC (550531)
Univ Lib-SFC (550547)
Univ Lib-Spec Collections (550551)
Univ Lib-Univ Archives (550561)
University Cashier (213200)
University Ceremonies (202500)
University Communications (258000)
University Counsel (200400)
University Development Office (250100)
University Library (550501)
University Ombuds Office (201100)
University Policy Office (200410)
University Registrar (542000)
UO Diversity and Inclusion (501301)
UPD Admin (234001)
UPD Police (234401)
UPD Security (234501)
Urban and Regional Stds Ctr (316600)
Urology (414101)
Urology - Clinic (414105)
Urology - Pediatrics (414110)
Urology-Faculty Physicians (410641)
VC Finance and Operations (210100)
VC for Res (620100)
VC IEED (201400)
VC Instit Intg & Rsk Mgmt- Old (230100)
VC UDO Flow Through (250105)
VC UDO University Events (250102)
VC Univ Dev - Peripheral Ops (250101)
VP Equity and Inclusion (501300)
VP Global Affairs (506500)
Winston House (302202)
Wm Ida Friday Ctr-Cont Educ (527500)
Wm Ida Friday Ctr-for credit (527502)
Wm Ida Friday Ctr-non-credit (527503)
Womens and Gender Stds (312300)
Womens Health Resrch Ctr (425201)
Writing and Learning Center (302401)
Writing for Screen Stage (311401)
WUNC-FM (259000)
X Acad and Regulatory AffarOLD (102160)
X Acad Policy Plan and AnalOLD (102600)
X Academic ProgramsOLD (102210)
X Applications Dev UNC OnliOLD (105340)
X Assoc of Student GovtOLD (102150)
X Business AffairsOLD (105200)
X Capital PlanningOLD (105110)
X Conference SupportOLD (143000)
X CSLD Business OfficeOLD (141000)
X CSLD ProgramsOLD (145000)
X Ctr for Sch Leadership DvOLD (140000)
X Digital LearningOLD (102230)
X Disaster RecoveryOLD (105350)
X Div Compl and Enterprise OLD (105400)
X Enterprise Portfolio ProjOLD (105410)
X Equipment ReplacementOLD (105310)
X ERP FRS PSOLD (105250)
X ERP Systems IntegrationOLD (105370)
X Federal RelationsOLD (104220)
X Finance and AdministratinOLD (105130)
X Finance and AdministratinOLD (105140)
X Financial Plan and AnalysOLD (105120)
X GA SupportOLD (105260)
X GEAR UPOLD (102270)
X Go GlobalOLD (102330)
X Governance Legal and RiskOLD (106120)
X Government AffairsOLD (104200)
X HEFCOLD (102520)
X ICEEOLD (102310)
X Information Technology OLD (105300)
X Information Technology OLD (144000)
X International ProgramsOLD (102320)
X Licensure and State AuthrOLD (102260)
X Math Sci Ed NetworkOLD (145200)
X MCNCOLD (105360)
X Military AffairsOLD (104240)
X NC Research CampOLD (102430)
X NC State Approving AgencyOLD (102140)
X New Teacher SupportOLD (102240)
X North Carolina ArboretumOLD (170000)
X P20 Policy and ProgramsOLD (102220)
X PathwaysOLD (102130)
X PBSNC Audience ServicesOLD (162200)
X PBSNC Community Engage PgOLD (165200)
X PBSNC Community EngagemntOLD (165100)
X PBSNC Educational ProgramOLD (165300)
X PBSNC Emergency ServicesOLD (163700)
X PBSNC Field OperationsOLD (163100)
X PBSNC GroundskeepingOLD (161620)
X PBSNC MicrowaveOLD (163400)
X PBSNC TranslatorsOLD (163300)
X PBSNC Transmission MaintnOLD (161640)
X PBSNC Volunteer ServicesOLD (166030)
X President Resident FaciliOLD (105230)
X Principal Fellows ProgramOLD (145100)
X Quality Mgmt and Acct OffOLD (105420)
X Research and Graduate EduOLD (102410)
X SEAA NC State Approving AOLD (153100)
X SEAA Non Fed Loan RepaymnOLD (152000)
X SEAA Other Grants Endow AOLD (158000)
X Shared Serv AllianceOLD (105320)
X Shared Serv PayrollOLD (105530)
X Spangler Center FacilitisOLD (105220)
X Stu Success Outreach RetnOLD (102110)
X Student AffairsOLD (102120)
X System Office AdminOLD (105210)
X Tax ComplianceOLD (106110)
X Teacher Recruitment NetOLD (102250)
X UNC Fort BraggOLD (104230)
X UNC Sys Ofc HROLD (105510)
X UNC Sys Ofc Staff AssemblOLD (105540)
X University HROLD (105520)
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